Skyrocket employee happiness with Previ’s cell phone service as a benefit.

And, at no cost to you to launch or maintain.

Our mission at Previ is to help people save more of their hard-earned paycheck.

Employees save on average $1,250+ annually with this cell phone benefit.

Launch an employee cell phone plan in minutes

Launch in minutes

Get a corporate cell phone plan launched in just a few minutes. It’s as easy as sending an email, and setting up a Slack/Teams channel.


Cost to employer = $0

A significant benefit to employers without any cost or anything to manage.


Nothing to manage

Fully managed by Previ without adding overhead on internal HR or IT teams.

Serious savings

😱 Average Family Cell Bill


3 Lines

✔️ Unlimited Premium Data, Talk, Text and Mobile Hotspot

👎 Short-term Promotional Deals

👎 Hidden Activation Fees

👎 Inconsistent pricing based on number of lines

👎 Basic and Inconvenient Customer Support

🤑 Previ Member Pricing

✔️ Unlimited Premium Data, Talk, Text and Mobile Hotspot

✔️ First Month Free On All Lines

✔️ All Activation Fees Waived

✔️ No Contract

✔️ $1200 Average Annual Savings

$99 annual membership

Join the others who are saving employees money

Schedule a 15 minute call with the Previ team to learn more about how easy it is to launch your cell phone benefit.